Seattle, WA

Wednesday 3:40 PM - 4:50 PM · Room 615:616

Transform Your Power BI Data in Microsoft Fabric

Jason Himmelstein

Jason Himmelstein

Principal Program Manager, Microsoft

John White

John White

CTO of tyGraph and Evangelist with AvePoint.

If you've worked at all with Power BI, you're familiar with Power Query - the built in data transformation engine. Power Query connects to hundreds of different data sources and allows you to powerfully transform your data before loading it into a data set.

While very powerful, this model can be a little limiting at times. What if you wanted to use the connectivity and flexibility of Power Query to load data into other date destinations? What if Power Query doesn't quite do what you want? What if you want to use alternate languages like Python to do your transformations? All of these things are possible in the context of Microsoft Fabric.

This session takes a look at these new options through the eyes of a Power BI professional. We'll examine Gen2 dataflows, Pipelines (from Data Factory), Jupyter Notebooks running Python against Lakehouse data, and Eventstreams. There is a whole new world of options available for data transformation in Microsoft Fabric, and this session will give you a taste of them.


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