Seattle, WA

Thursday 12:40 PM - 1:50 PM · Room 608

Code Once Use Everywhere - Using SPFx to create applications that work in Teams and SharePoint

Derek Cash-Peterson

Derek Cash-Peterson

Principal Architect - Sympraxis Consulting

Users are spending more and more time using Teams. It makes sense to try and reduce the friction of context switching by bringing our custom applications directly into Teams where they are working. We are able to harness the collaborative nature of Teams and SharePoint in one application and render it in many different contexts.

In this introductory developer session we will look at how to create and deploy a SharePoint Framework WebPart and have it be usable in Teams. We will use one code base to make the web part Teams aware in both a Teams Tab and a Personal App. We will look at how to use that app to read and write data into SharePoint using PnPjs.

Users will leave with an understanding of how to leverage SPFx to create applications they can use in Teams and resources on how to explore this further.


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