Seattle, WA

Adaptive Card Framework

Wednesday, June 5th 2024, 11:30 am

  • Alex Terentiev

    Senior Dev Engineer @Microsoft. Microsoft 365 PnP Team Member.

Improve your users' productivity with custom Viva Connections cards

Adaptive Card Extensions are a new way to create custom components that can render dynamic and interactive content in SharePoint pages, news, and lists. In this session, you will learn how to use the SharePoint Framework to create and deploy Adaptive Card Extensions, and how to use them as part of dashboards. You will also learn how to leverage Viva Connections, a new solution that brings your SharePoint intranet to Microsoft Teams, to enhance the reach and impact of your Adaptive Card Extensions. You will see how Viva Connections can help you create a unified and personalized employee experience that boosts engagement, productivity, and wellbeing.

Friday, June 7th 2024, 9:00 am

  • Derek Cash-Peterson

    Principal Architect - Sympraxis Consulting

Building Engaging Employee Experiences for Viva Connections using SPFx

In this introductory developer session, we will explore ways to develop engaging employee experiences using the extensibility model for Viva Connections. We will learn how to create Adaptive Card Extensions using SPFx. We will talk about some real world use cases and how to get started. We will explore the technical components of creating your first Adaptive Card Extensions. We will look at more advanced concepts such as geolocation, data binding, as well as layout out options for your cards using the Adaptive Card Framework. You will walk away with a better understanding of how to get started extending Viva Connections and how to avoid some common pitfalls.

Friday, June 7th 2024, 12:30 pm

  • Alex Terentiev

    Senior Dev Engineer @Microsoft. Microsoft 365 PnP Team Member.

Viva Connections: Create Bot-powered Adaptive Card Extensions

Adaptive Card Extensions (ACEs) are a SharePoint Framework component type, which enables developers to build rich, native extensions to Viva Connections' Dashboards and SharePoint Pages. Usually, ACEs are developed using SPFx and front-end development. But what if you have existing service that powers Microsoft Teams bots or Task modules that you want to reuse in ACEs? During this session we will discuss how to use Bots and Universal Actions Model to create Adaptive Card Extensions for Viva Connections.

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